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Multisports Club: one-off group Archery Lesson
Multisports Club: one-off group Archery Lesson

12월 07일 (토)



Multisports Club: one-off group Archery Lesson

One-off Archery session for children aged 7-18.

Tickets are not on sale
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시간 및 장소

2024년 12월 07일 오전 10:30 – 오후 12:00

Ōhaupō, 67 Douch Road, Ōhaupō 3882, New Zealand

이벤트 소개


67 Douch Road, Ōhaupō, New Zealand.

Proximity to town:

20 minutes from Hamilton City centre.

Douch Road is opposite Kaipaki road just before the 70 limit into Ohaupo. Drive down Douch Road until the gravel road starts and then turn immediately left up the driveway with the tall trees (67) and we are the first house on the right (with the archery targets).

이벤트 공유하기

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등록된 자선 단체: CC59803

*Doation or Class fee: You can directly make payments via bank transfer without any remittance fees. 

( BNZ / 02- 0316-0652830-001 / Live Better) 

어린이 및 청소년 활동

해밀턴: The link 커뮤니티 센터(4 Te Aroha Street, Claudelands, Hamilton)

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